What Funding and Grants are available for playgrounds, shade, and outdoor classrooms in 2022?
The Pelican Playgrounds team mainly serves in Louisiana & Mississippi and we’re here to be your resource for funding and grants for playgrounds and shade. We stay abreast of grant opportunities to share them with you and support you in the application process. Below is a list of playground grants and outdoor project funding opportunities. Our team is always available to answer questions about any of the grants you see below. If we don’t have the answers, we will do our best to help you find information on these recreation and outdoor grants.
Also, we highly recommend that you sign up for our newsletter. We send out updates monthly and sometimes host webinars with important info on playground funding opportunities.
ESSER Funds for outdoor classrooms and other improvements.
Both Lousiana and Mississippi schools have access to multiple rounds of ESSER Funding which can be used to help schools safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools. Allowable cost #13 allows schools to use this funding for outdoor equipment such as shade & shelters, outdoor benches, tables, seating, outdoor classroom equipment, outdoor sensory play spaces, and playgrounds. Allowable Cost #1 accommodates IDEA and can be used for inclusive equipment specific to students with exceptionalities/disabilities.
View our full blog post on ESSER funding for playground and shade. You can also view the recording of our webinar here under the “Grant Opportunities” playlist.
ESSER I – $13.2 billion (Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
ESSER II – $54.3 billion (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act)
ESSER III – $122 billon (American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act)
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS II) Program under the American Rescue Plan

New Playground at St. George in Baton Rouge, LA
Louisiana is DUE March 28, 2022
Lousiana and Mississippi private schools have access to ARP EANS Funding that can be used to help schools safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools. Eligible non-public schools are those that enroll a significant percentage of [students from low-income families] and are most impacted by the COVID-19 emergency based on certain factors.
The Louisiana Department of Education hosted a helpful webinar on the ARP EANS Application this month. You can watch it on our YouTube channel under the “Grant Opportunities” Playlist.
The dollar amount allocations for Louisiana non-public schools can be found here.
Love Louisiana Outdoors Program – Due June 1, 2022
$16,750,000 has been allocated from the CARES Act to develop and rehabilitate outdoor fitness and recreational parks in jurisdictions that meet low-to-moderate-income area benefit requirements. These funds are to go towards suitable space for activities to encourage physical distancing in public spaces. Successful applicants can receive $400,000, $225,000, or $125,000 for the Love Louisiana Outdoors Program. If your village, town, or city is eligible, find your name on this list with the dollar amount you qualify for. We’ve helped numerous applicants navigate Round 1 and our team is here to support you in the next round of eligibility. Louisiana Sales and Project Manager, Marie, can help you with your design and quote for an updated park, playground, or outdoor fitness space. Give us a call at 844-504-PLAY (7529) and select extension 2 for Louisiana projects. Or, you can send Marie an email: mbellows@pelicanplaygrounds.com.
You can watch the OCD-LGA instructional video on the grant, who qualifies, and how to apply on our YouTube channel.
Mississippi Child Care Strong Grants under the American Rescue Plan
These are child care stabilization grants offered to Mississippi Child Care providers as a part of the American Rescue Plan (more than $319 million available). With the funds, improvements may be made to playgrounds and other equipment to expand outdoor play and gathering spaces. All funds received must be spent by September 2022! Our Mississippi Sales and Project Manager, Nick, can help you with your design and quote for an updated play space, shade structure, or seating. Give us a call at 844-504-PLAY (7529) and select extension 3 for Mississippi projects. You can also send Nick an email: npayne@pelicanplaygrounds.com.
More information on the grant, including how to apply, can be found on the MDHS website here. MLICCI hosted a helpful webinar on these grants and you can watch it on our YouTube channel under the “Grant Opportunities” Playlist.
Louisiana Outdoor Learning Enhancement Opportunity
Louisiana Type III early learning centers are eligible for funding to engage with children in outdoor environments. Based on your enrollment, you could qualify for thousands of dollars of outdoor improvements. Playground equipment, Sun Shade Structures, and splash features are all allowable expenses for OLEO. Pelican Playgrounds has a special pricing catalog for all OLEO purchases. Email our Louisiana Sales & Project Manager, Marie for the catalog: mbellows@pelicanplaygrounds.com